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Fabulous New Baby Shower Invitations and Four Awesome Party Ideas

There’s nothing more gratifying than ushering a friend through a rite of passage. And there’s perhaps no rite of passage more significant than bringing a child into the world. So it’s important that you make a baby shower meaningful – but just as important that you make it fun. It’s a way to demonstrate that the friends who love and support her now will be the friends who love and support her in her new role as mom.

Set the mood for a fabulous baby shower by sending out a custom invitation that’s as ultra stylish as it is crazy adorable. It’s a subtle way of comforting the mom-to-be that she can still be hip even after becoming a mom! Mixbook’s Baby Shower invitations for girls and boys are designed to not only be on-trend, but also to inspire great party themes and decorating ideas. We challenge you to scroll through the many options without getting a brilliant idea for how to fete the mom-to-be.

Mixbook’s latest and greatest styles are perfect for hosting simple parties to celebrate the impending arrival. Mixbook’s Burlap Baby Boy Banner and Girl version has a great crafty feel that would be ideal to send out for any creative-themed celebration. And it’s even better if you’re planning to put together a Mixbook photo book with the Krafty Fun theme to document the pre-baby preparations. Include photos of crafting done at the baby shower, plus any DIY projects taken on in anticipation of the baby – anything from quilt-making to stenciling the walls of the nursery.

Mixbook’s Gold and Black Glittered Shower - Girl and Boy invitation is perfect for an elegant event with a sophisticated offering of drinks and appetizers. Just right for the chic and stylish mom-to-be, this invitation will set the mood for a party that’s vibrant and just a little dressy.

Inspired by the art of classic picture books, Mixbook’s Elephant Typography - Girl or Elephant Typography - Boybaby shower invitations are modern, lighthearted and sweet. Perfect for the stylish mom-to-be who adores simple, clean graphics of children’s illustrations.

Along with Mixbook’s freshest new Baby Shower invitation designs, here are our top 4 favorite new ideas for baby showers!

1. Be Pedi Give out pink or blue nailpolish as party favors to every guest. If you know the baby’s gender, make the polish all pink or all blue. If you are keeping the gender a secret, let guests pick their color based on their guess.

2. Get Fruity While you will never catch me suggesting silly baby shower games involving diapers and candy bars or blindfolded sampling of pureed food, I am all for this fruity gimmick. It’s so silly it’s awesome: a baby carriage crafted out of a watermelon, cut fruit and a pacifier. Brilliant.

3. Solicit Advice Put out a jar with a sign that says “Baby Name Suggestions” so guests can weigh in on the big decision. Wait till after the party to read all the recommendations with the dad-to-be. It will absolutely be good for some big belly laughs (from him too) – and might even give you an idea or two!

A mason jar would work great for this, especially to match the burlap invitation above:

4. Be Bookish Let everyone at the party choose a letter from a hat. Then have them choose a noun that begins with that letter, and draw a picture on a white sheet of paper. Make sure each guest signs her name to the work of art. After the party, scan all the artwork for a group-made Mixbook Alphabet Book created just for the lucky baby! It will become a cherished memento that mom and child will love for years to come.

Happy Mixbooking! Happy Baby Showering!

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