8 Ways Parents Can Make Virtual Schooling More Effective

8 Ways Parents Can Make Virtual Schooling More Effective

As the classroom comes home and learning goes virtual, many parents are struggling to support their children in this brave new classroom environment. Online learning is new to parents, teachers, and students alike, and it can be difficult to navigate the changes—but we’re here to help!

As a parent, you want the best for your children, but how can you make the most of online learning and give your kids the support they need to thrive in this new world? Here are eight tips for parents struggling to improve the effectiveness of online education.

8 Tips for Virtual Learning and Homeschooling

Make Sure You Have High-Speed Internet

Research options for higher speed internet service. The virtual classroom can be a frustrating place when internet bottlenecks get in the way. Some internet service providers have established special rate plans for online students, so check out those offerings to get the speed your child needs.

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Create a Space for Learning

Set up a quiet learning space. The home-based classroom can be a noisy place, and that can make it difficult to learn. If you want to boost the effectiveness of online education, start by setting up a quiet place for your little learner.

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You Attendance is Supportive

Be present in the virtual classroom. Students need support no matter where they are, so be there to provide the guidance they need. You may not need to attend every class or stick around all day, but being present can make the virtual classroom more effective and less intimidating.

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Don’t Depend on Screen Time

Encourage screen-free hands-on learning activities. Virtual schooling is not all about screen time, so look for ways to reinforce those online lessons in the offline world. From taking a nature hike to learn about wildlife and biology to visiting the grocery store to make math come alive, there are plenty of ways parents can enhance classroom lessons and make learning easier.

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Create a Learning Community

Ask about online learning circles. Children can benefit from the presence of their peers, even when those peers are on the other end of a Zoom call. Ask your child's teacher about online learning circles where students can meet, discuss their lessons, and encourage one another.

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Get Creative for Recess

Use virtual recess to recharge. Recess is more than just playtime; it is a chance to relax and recharge those learning batteries. Parents can replicate recess at home with scheduled breaks and outdoor time.

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Avoid Distractions

Keep distractions to a minimum. It is easy to get distracted, whether you are telecommuting for the boss or providing support for your son or daughter. Decreasing distractions is one way to increase the effectiveness of the virtual classroom.

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Communicate with Teachers

Communicate with teachers often. Communication is the key to effective online learning, so keep in touch with the teaching staff and ask questions if you need more information. From emailed lesson plans to details about offline activities, timely communication can enhance the effectiveness of the virtual classroom.

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Parents have a vested interest in the education of their children, but taking a proactive approach is not always easy. With virtual classrooms becoming the norm, many parents find themselves navigating a strange new world, one filled with videoconferences, emailed lesson plans and lots and lots of screen time. If you want to help your child make the most of this new world, the tips listed above can get you started.




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