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Learn How One Mom Created a Treasure Trove of Family Photo Books

“I feel a big sense of pride when I look at my photo books because I know how much hard work I put into them, not just the time spent creating these photo books every year, but also the amount of love that I put into making sure I really capture what we're feeling in that moment.” – Mixbooker Rebekah Brownson

Family photos are some of our greatest treasures. They capture memories and the most loving of relationships, and possess the power to evoke emotions in just a glance. An amazing way to preserve and showcase those treasures is by creating custom family photo books.

Mixbooker and mom, Rebekah Brownson, recently told us all about her personal journey of creating a whole collection of family photo books. She explained how and why the project has become an important tradition, and shared her hopes that the books will help build lasting memories for her family.

“I create these photo books because I want my family to have something to look back on every year and see where we've come from to where we are now. I want us to see how much we've grown and all the fun things we got to do as a family.” – Rebekah

Rebekah emphasized that creating her photo books is a fun, meaningful, and creative project as well as a way to preserve memories that her family will cherish forever. Her story is not only inspiring; it’s also filled with handy tips for new Mixbookers getting ready to create family photo books of their own.

Rebekah’s Mixbook journey

Just like the stories captured on the pages of her various photo books, Rebekah Brownson’s Mixbook journey has evolved over the years. She affectionately describes her very first photo book as “this skinny, colorful, chaotic, simple, basic book that very much shows what I was going through in that stage of life, being a college student and about to get married.”

As Rebekah made more new photo books over the years, turning the project into an annual tradition, she refined her style and figured out what kind of designs and tools work best. She explained, “It's really fun for me to see how much my style has changed from back in 2014 to now … I'm figuring out which layouts I like, what themes I prefer, and for each month, I choose a color and stick with that color background.”

Why photo books matter

Along with being a fun project, Rebekah identified the top reasons she continues to create new family photo books each year. She says her photo books are:

  • Memory keepers: Each book is a time capsule. Plus, a growing collection of books captures Rebekah’s family’s growth and experiences, year by year.
  • A bonding tradition: Rebekah’s toddler son already loves flipping through past books and learning about his family’s past. “I'm so thankful that my three-year-old son is already starting to love looking at previous photos,” said Rebekah.
  • A legacy: Photo books are unrivaled keepsakes that future generations will treasure.

How to create your own family photo books

If you’re inspired to create your own family photo books – and make it an annual tradition like Rebekah has – then consider the following practical steps to get started.

1. Start simple

Your first photo book doesn’t need to be perfect. Just get started, and think of your creation as a rough draft. Until you click “order,” your book is infinitely customizable. Text, backgrounds, stickers, and other design elements are all available, but you might prefer to keep things simple at first.

2. Pick themes and colors

Mixbook’s many themes make it very easy to create a family photo book that suits your personal style. Browse photo book themes by category, such as family, simple, or kids. Filter themes by style or color. Remember, every design element is customizable. Why not copy Rebekah’s idea to use a different background color for each month of the year?

3. Capture everyday moments

Including photos of big events like vacations and milestone celebrations in your book is a no-brainer. But don’t forget to capture the everyday moments as well! Candid shots can evoke memories and emotions just as powerfully as any posed portrait or organized holiday photo shoot.

4. Balance speed and customization

Customizing your photo book is easier and faster with Mixbook’s smart design tools like AutoLayout.

“What I love about Mixbook is how customizable it is; you can go from letting it autofill to creating the book yourself or customizing absolutely everything, which is what I love.” – Rebekah

5. Involve your family

Ask your kids or partner to help with the family photo book project. It’s a fun bonding activity, and it’s helpful to get their opinions. Your kids will also be more excited to see the printed books after helping to make them.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Photo Books: Gather Precious Memories with the Help of Friends and Family

Rebekah’s personal tips for family photo books

“I can see all the mistakes that I made, like making sure that the pictures aren't straight and making sure we're centered in the pictures. It's fun to look back at where I was with my first photo book compared to where I am now.” – Rebekah

Rebekah learned how to create beautiful photo books by trial and error, although it’s important to note that she still loves those early books, “mistakes” and all. Here are some of her personal tips for getting it right the first time:

  • Use colors and themes to tie pages together and ensure your book is cohesive.
  • Keep photos straight and centered for a polished look.
  • Add personality with stickers, fonts, and creative layouts.
  • Embrace creative covers to make your photo book eye-catching from the moment you pick it up. Rebekah uses one of her favorite family photo traditions for the cover of each book. “Something I really enjoy is making my front page resemble my Christmas card,” she explained.

Ready to create a family photo book?

Take inspiration from Rebekah and head to the Mixbook Studio™ to start on your own family photo book project. It couldn’t be easier to bring your own unique vision to life!

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