How to Write Your Wedding Invitations

Of the countless tasks involved in wedding preparation, choosing beautiful stationery for your wedding invitations is among the most enjoyable. It’s a chance to make a fantastic first impression upon your invited guests, set the tone for the event, and express your personal style. Of course, the practical purpose of your invitations is to communicate essential wedding details – the “who, what, when, where, why” – to your guests. Bringing together both the stylistic and practical considerations, plus etiquette guidelines, is the subject of wedding invitation wording.
Whether you prefer to stick with traditional formats or ignore all “rules” and do it your way, wedding invitation wording is significant. Above all, it should match the tone of your event and your shared sensibilities as a couple. From super-formal and sophisticated to cool and casual, the ways to write proper wedding invitations are endless. However, it’s always helpful to understand traditional and modern etiquette guidelines for wedding invitation wording.
With the following guide to wedding invitation wording, plus examples for inspiration, you’ll find it’s surprisingly straightforward to check “write invitations” off your wedding to-do list.
What to include in a wedding invitation
With only a few essential components, knowing what to include in a wedding invitation is quite simple. The names of invited guests go on the envelope, so the wedding invitation itself will be identical for all guests. It should include only the following essential details:
- The hosts: One set of parents, both sets of parents, or the marrying couple together with one or both sets of parents. Traditionally, the hosts are those paying, or contributing to the wedding costs, but modern invitations do not need to reflect these particulars.
- The couple: The names of the marrying couple must be included, in any preferred format.
- The time and date: Clearly state the date and time of the wedding ceremony.
- The location: The name of the venue where the wedding will take place, plus location information.
- The reception: Let guests know about the reception to follow the ceremony.
- Dress code (optional): You may choose to include the dress code on your wedding invitation.
- RSVP card: Use a separate response card for guests to RSVP.
A typical wedding invitation format includes the above details in the given order, on separate lines, from top to bottom.
Wedding invitation wording: The hosts
As the very first line, and the subject with the most variability, wedding invitation wording about the hosts can be tricky. The hosts are generally those paying for the wedding or contributing a significant sum, with the wedding invitation wording serving as an acknowledgement of that. Traditionally, the hosts would be the bride’s parents. Modern couples often host their own wedding, or choose to honor both families on the invitation irrespective of financial involvement.
The hosts of a wedding could be:
- The bride’s parents (traditional)
- Both sets of parents, or multiple sets of parents for blended families
- The couple, together with one or both sets of parents
- The couple only
Write parents’ names in full, with Mr., Mrs. or a title, and both first and last name. When the hosts are parents who have divorced and remarried, include each currently married pair or single parent on a separate line. Some couples choose to honor a deceased parent with wording such as “Jane Smith, daughter of Margaret Smith and the late James Smith…”
When couples are hosting, or jointly hosting their own wedding, consider using more concise language such as “Together with their parents, Kara and Sam request the pleasure of your company…” or “Together with their families…”
Wedding invitation wording: The request line
The request line is the wording that tells people that they are invited to a wedding. The wording choice for the request sets the tone for the entire invitation, and should match the overall feel of the event.
The traditional wedding invitation wording for a ceremony held in a religious venue is “request the honor of your presence.” Very formal invitations use the British spelling “honour.” For a non-religious venue, the traditional wording is “request the pleasure of your company.”
There are many other time-tested options with varying levels of formality. You can keep the request line wording very simple and classic, or get creative. These examples range from more to less formal:
- To please join them
- To celebrate with them
- Invite you to join them
- You are cordially invited
- Invite you to share in their joy at their wedding
- Invite you to their wedding
- Hope you will attend
- To celebrate the marriage of
- Would love for you to join them
- Would love your presence at
- At the marriage of their daughter/son/children
- At the celebration of their union
- In celebration of their marriage
- To share in a celebration of love and commitment
- To share their joy in saying “I do”
- Join in celebration of their union
- As they exchange vows
- Are getting married
- We are getting married! Please join us.
- Are tying the knot
- To watch us get hitched
Wedding invitation wording: The couple
Traditionally, the bride’s name is listed first in wedding invitation wording, using her first and middle name only. If the bride has a different last name to her hosting parents, use her last name as well. The groom is listed on the next line, using his full name and title. It is traditional to use middle names, but in modern etiquette it’s OK to skip that.
Modern couples can choose any preferred version of their own name. Same-sex couples can choose to list their names in the order that sounds best, or default to alphabetical order by last name. If you’re taking a casual approach and using first names only, such as “Rosie and Jim,” be absolutely sure that all the invited guests will know exactly which Rosie and Jim are getting married (they might know more than one!).
Wedding invitation wording: Date and time
The formal wedding invitation style, both traditional and modern, is to write out all the date and time information in words – no numerals. Use the phrasing “three o’clock” and “half after three o’clock” for traditional wording, or “half past three” or “three-thirty” for a more modern approach. You may use the phrase “in the evening/afternoon” if desired.
For example: “On Saturday, the eleventh of June, at half after two o’clock in the afternoon…”
The no-numerals convention isn’t a hard rule, and many contemporary couples do use numerals on their wedding invitations. Including the year is optional, but do so if skipping it might cause confusion.
Wedding invitation wording: Location
Write the name of the wedding venue plus the city and state, spelled out in full. Traditional wedding invitation wording skips the street address and zip code. If necessary, you might include the specific location within a larger venue, such as “in the chapel” or “on the lawn.”
Example: “At Saint Patrick’s Church, Portland, Maine.”
Any additional information about the venue and logistics can be included in separate direction cards or on your wedding website.
Wedding invitation wording: Reception
Many couples choose to include separate reception cards to cover reception details, instead of including them on the wedding invitation. This is more common when the reception is held at a different location, or on a different day, to the wedding.
For a reception held immediately after the wedding, at the same location, use simple wording such as:
- reception immediately following
- reception to follow from five o’clock
- an evening of celebration to follow
You might use the reception line to define the style of reception, helping guests know what to expect. Examples include:
- Please join us for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres
- Dinner and dancing to follow
- Drinks, toasts, and hors d'oeuvres to follow
- Please join us for cake and punch
- Let’s eat, drink, and be merry at…
- Followed by an evening of food, drinks, and dancing
- Adult reception to follow
Wedding invitation wording: Dress code
Including a dress code in your wedding invitation wording is optional, but often a helpful inclusion. Traditionally, the dress code is written in the lower right-hand corner or center-bottom of the invitation. Use a brief description such as:
- Black tie
- Black tie optional
- Formal attire
- Cocktail attire
- Smart casual
- Beach casual
If you choose not to include a dress code, guests will generally figure it out from the style of the invitation and the venue. You can also include the information on your wedding website or a separate information card.
RSVP card wording
Do not include an RSVP option on the wedding invitation itself. Include a separate response card that can be mailed back to you, or a link or QR code for guests to RSVP online. The response card wording should include:
- a reply-by date
- a line for guests to write their names
- accept/decline checkboxes
- Meal choice (if applicable)
Ready to send out your wedding invitations?
With the perfect wording, your custom wedding invitations will be ready to send, officially kicking off the countdown to the big day!
Before you put your envelopes in the mail, remember to save at least one for your future wedding scrapbook. You might also embrace the aesthetic style of your wedding stationary for a first anniversary photo book.
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