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  • The Price of A Good Night's Sleep: Survey of New Moms Reveals They Are Willing To Pay $1,269 on Average To Have Just One Night of Perfect Sleep.

The Price of A Good Night's Sleep: Survey of New Moms Reveals They Are Willing To Pay $1,269 on Average To Have Just One Night of Perfect Sleep.

Becoming a new mom involves mastering the art of doing everything one-handed. The joys of becoming a new mom are plentiful, from the first time your baby grasps your finger with their tiny hand, to the heart-melting smiles that somehow make the 3 a.m. feedings worth it. But it also comes with its fair share of struggles. There's constant baby cries, diaper changing, and the quest for the holy grail, also known as "a full night's sleep." It’s the elusive state of bliss that new moms often reminisce about but rarely experience. In this journey of motherhood, sleep becomes the most coveted luxury, when a solid three hours of uninterrupted snooze time is yearned for.

We conducted a survey of 3,000 new moms across America to uncover just how much these sleep-deprived heroines would hypothetically pay for the golden ticket - a good night's sleep. The answers, as varied and colorful as motherhood itself, paint a vivid picture of just how precious a few hours of Z's are to a new mom navigating the beautiful chaos of her new role.

Our survey revealed that, on average, new moms across the U.S. would be willing to pay up to a staggering $1,269 for just one night of good sleep. This figure underscores the lengths to which these amazing women would go to secure a night of rest, leaving them refreshed and recharged, ready to embrace the joys and challenges of being a new mom with renewed vigor.

When we dive into the state-by-state comparison our findings unveiled a variety of sleep valuations across the country. Leading the pack, South Dakota's new moms were prepared to invest a whopping $2,495 for the perfect slumber, highlighting the premium they place on a restful night. On the other end of the spectrum, Maine's moms, while still acknowledging the value of decent sleep, showed a bit more financial restraint, deeming $606 a fair price for a peaceful night's rest.

The below table shows just how much moms in each state would be willing to pay for a decent sleep:

We also posed another question that sparked intrigue: given the choice, would new moms prefer one night of uninterrupted sleep or an entire day to themselves? The results were telling, with a substantial 58% opting for the coveted night of perfect sleep, underscoring just how precious those Z's are. Meanwhile, 42% would choose the luxury of a whole day to indulge in self-care or leisure.

When we delved into expectations versus reality concerning sleep deprivation, a significant majority, 58%, confessed that managing sleeplessness was harder than they anticipated. Only 34% found their expectations matched reality, while a resilient 8% found it easier than expected. This variance highlights the unpredictable journey of parenthood, with its capacity to surprise and challenge.

The digital age offers a plethora of solutions for modern problems, including AI technology to help soothe children to sleep. However, our survey revealed a cautious stance among new moms, with 64% preferring not to rely on AI for such intimate moments, despite 36% being open to the idea. This reluctance underscores the complex feelings about technology's role in parenting. Considering professional support, the concept of a sleep coach for babies intrigued nearly half of the respondents, with 22% open to using one to navigate the turbulent waters of sleep deprivation. Yet, 78% preferred to tackle the challenge without professional intervention, reflecting a mix of confidence and desire for personal trial and error in the parenting journey.

Reflecting on pre-baby nighttime rituals, the survey painted a poignant picture of the sacrifices new moms make. Reading or watching TV in bed topped the list of missed activities at 35%, followed closely by long, relaxing baths (29%), socializing with friends (21%) and the occasional alcoholic drink (10%). And sorry for you dads - but late-night chats with partners come bottom (4%).

The journey into motherhood is interspersed with moments of pure joy, love, and wonder that are unparalleled. The early stages of motherhood, while fleeting, are profoundly impactful, laying the foundation for a bond that lasts a lifetime. Amidst this miraculous journey, the challenge of sleep deprivation stands out as a significant hurdle, yet it's one that highlights the strength and resilience of new moms. This survey has illuminated just how precious and crucial sleep is, not only for the well-being of mothers but as a cornerstone of effective parenting.

Methodology: Online panel survey of 3,000 based on age, gender, and geography. Internal data sources are used to obtain population data sets. We used a two-step process to ensure representativeness through stratified sampling and post-stratification weighting. April 2024.

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