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Spring Break Photo Book Project Ideas

Whether you have exciting travels or a low-key staycation planned for spring break, plan ahead to create a photo book that captures the week’s fun. For kids, it’s a great way to help them reflect on a trip and remember good times in the weeks and years to come. For college-age kids taking a vacation without chaperones for maybe the first time ever, creating a photo book is a great way to bond with friends and create those powerful first memories of striking out on your own. And for grown-ups, it’s a nice way to solidify an experience before the onslaught of normal daily life inevitably resumes. Here are three ideas for planning for and creating a great photo book that records your spring break for posterity.

Staycation If you have a week off but you’re sticking close to home, there’s no reason you can’t make a spring break photo book. In fact, it’s all the more reason to create a memory book! Mixbook’s Industrial Textures theme is perfect if you’re interested in being a tourist in your own city. Choose one special activity each day, then photograph all the prep leading up to it, any meals or drinks shared surrounding the event, and of course the tired, happy faces once the activity is over. Maybe you head to a museum one day, plant the garden another, head to a performance one night, and get out for a great bike ride or city walk another day. This is the stuff of photo albums! Add art projects, poems, movies watched, friends who came over and special meals shared. By the end of the week, you’ll have plenty of material to create an album that celebrates a spring break to remember! The textural brick, concrete, zinc, wood grain and other elemental backdrops will set off your photos with cool minimalism.

Beach Trip If you’re headed to the beach for spring break, you’re bound to have plenty of fun photo ops. But a little planning ahead can help you capture some shots that are more than fun – beach photos can be magical, peaceful, contemplative, loving, sweet, playful, etc. I love this top-ten list of shots to seek out at the beach. Ultimately, the goal (for me anyway) is to turn the brain off at the beach, so print a list of photos to take along with you, then let them be your guide for capturing great memories. You won’t need your brain, just a little curiosity and plenty of free time to follow your instincts. You’ll find that if you go after different subjects and different times of day, your photos will sort themselves out into themes or clusters. So when you’re ready to create your photo book, it will practically make itself. Choose Mixbook’s Tropical Fun theme, and use the smart editor to place photos in a sequence that you love. Create your own captions or stick with the ones already in the template, then use fun stickers of fish and seashells to decorate each page to your liking.

Spring Cruise If you’re taking to the high seas for spring break, Mixbook’s Vintage Cruise theme is the perfect way to chronicle your voyage. Be sure to take a few pics from the pier before your departure. Snap a big shot of the entire ship in the harbor, plus close-ups of everyone with their baggage. You can then record the exciting process of setting sail – from everyone waving goodbye to shot from the stern of your churning wake below. Throughout your days at sea remember to take advantage of early morning and late evening light for the best photographs on deck. You’ll also want to snap lots of shots in each port of call. And don’t forget to take plenty of photos of your funny little cabin, the towel animals that appear in them, the abundant food offerings, new friends, favorite crewmembers and onboard performances. After your trip is over, simply upload your photos into your Vintage Cruise template, add captions, and sail off into the sunset with your happy memories!

Happy Mixbooking! Have a great spring break!

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