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Pawprints on Our Hearts: 5 Pet Photo Books Ideas

Mixbook is a dog-friendly work space. Seriously! At any given hour of the day, there can be as many as 12 paws prancing around the office, darting in and out of conference rooms and scavenging under desks for crumbs. So it comes as no surprise that one of our favorite photo book themes is the pet photo book. And it's clear that Mixbookers love their furry friends too! All you have to do to be convinced is visit Mixbook's gallery of recently published pet photo books to see how many books are created by real Mixbookers like you and dedicated to their sweet, silly, and utterly lovable four-legged children. Below find five ways to honor the mangy mutts in your life that give you comfort when you're sad, company when you're lonely, and unconditional love when you need it the most.

Pet Photo Albums

1. Give Your Pet a Voice

After so many years together, we know our best friends so well that it feels like we can read their minds and almost hear what they're saying to us. Why not create a pet photo book from your precious angel's point of view? That's what Melissa M. did in her pet photo book called "The Life of Czar." In it, Czar the cat tells the story of how it felt to arrive at a forever home and the times when curiosity resulted in multiple spilled water cups. We adore this truly personal approach to creating a commemorative pet photo book.

2. Quote Charming Sayings

"A dog is a bundle of love wrapped in fur," "Every boy should have two things: a dog, and a mother willing to let him have one," and "Home is where the dog is" are just a few of the funny-but-true sayings sprinkled throughout Marilyn R.'s pet photo book, "Tribute to Mr. Big."

3. Record the Story of How You Met

Patti G.'s precious kitten, Sebastian, was found in the backyard one day along with his 3 tiny sisters. Patti writes, "I just had to keep him, he was so cute." We don't blame her! Just look at that little guy getting his first bath. What a trooper! The details of how Sebastian joined Patti's family will forever be remembered in her charming pet photo book, which tells the story of a "lucky gato" named Sebastian.

4. Organize a Decade of Memories

Chances are, you've got piles of pet photos sitting in boxes or collecting dust in drawers. Mixbook makes it easy to organize all of your memories in one place. Jeanette R. created a pet photo book starring her dog, Cleo, and featuring over ten years of memories. Carefully chronicled photos memorialize a lifetime full of adventure, holidays, playtime, and those big, irresistible puppy-dog eyes.

5. Allow a Poem to Speak for You

In a pet photo book named after her cat, Nakita, June P. created a beautiful tribute to her special feline friend. June wove the popular poem "Rainbow Bridge" throughout her book, which expresses feelings of love, gratitude, and anticipation of one day reuniting.

Whether your pet is the newest addition to your family or has been around forever, there's no better time than today to memorialize your special friend in a pet photo book with a little help from Mixbook. Get started now!

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