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How to Announce a Baby on New Years Eve

Related keywords:Birth-AnnouncementsBaby-AnnouncementNyeNew-Years-Baby

Announcing your pregnancy or the arrival of the newest addition to your family is a huge deal - and it's important that you find a way to do it in style when you're letting everyone know on New Year's Eve. Whether your style is glitzy and glamorous or you prefer simple, understated elegance, part of the fun is sharing the news on social media.

Here are a few of our favorite picks for New Year's baby announcements on social media.

Fun and Creative New Year's Baby Announcements on Social Media

Light up Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and all your other favorite networking sites with the best news possible by getting creative. Check out these great ideas to announce your pregnancy or your baby's birth while everyone rings in the new year.

1. Make a Resolution

Announce your first baby with a twist on run-of-the-mill resolutions - have Mom and Dad pose together holding a chalkboard that says, "Our New Year's resolution: To be amazing parents."

2. Wish Everyone a New Year as Happy as Yours Will Be

Posing with an ultrasound photo is a great way to announce your inbound arrival. Tell your photographer that you'd like to be blurred in the background while he or she focuses on the ultrasound picture. Finish the photo by using your favorite font combinations to write, "We hope the next year will be as full of joy for you as it will be for us."

3. New Year, New Baby

Show off your baby bump as you pose in New Year's Eve regalia (right down to the party hats). Caption the photo, "New Year, New Baby" and leave it at that.

4. Tiny Hands, Big Plans

If your little one arrives just in time to ring in the new year, put a twist on the standard family hand photo (the one where the biggest hand goes in the back and the tiniest in the front). Help your little bundle of joy hold a party blower or other celebratory gear for the photo.

Printed Photo Birth Announcements for the New Year

While sharing the news on social media is fun - especially when you find a creative way to do so that thrills your friends and family - you'll still need photo birth announcements for your family and friends. Using "Fresh 48" or other newborn photos, you can put together a truly amazing New Year's baby announcement to send out to the people you care about most. Explore all your options by checking out:

How did you announce your New Year's baby? Share your story in the comments below so expecting moms and dads can get even more inspiration.

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