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Five Ideas for Creating One-of-a-Kind Custom Valentines

There’s something heady about sending out a stack of gorgeous photo cards to everyone you love. That’s the beauty of sending out an annual Valentine’s Day greeting card. It’s like a seed-bomb of love that you lob over a fence to bring little bursts of happiness wherever they land. But there’s also a time and a place for a special custom Valentine created for one specific person. Skip the macaroni art, crumbly candy hearts and construction paper, and get creative with what really matters: loving words and photos that exude lots of warmth and affection along with inside jokes and meaningful references.

One Custom Valentine for Your One True Love Creating a photo book for your girlfriend, boyfriend, partner or spouse is a great way to really showcase a series of fantastic photos – and convey your most heartfelt reflections on what your love means to you. But you can also create a mini version in the form of a card. Choose however many photos you want – a single portrait or a collage of shots that capture a 360˚ look at who you are together – then include a quote that’s special to you or a few words that summarize how much you care. Consider using one side of your card to tackle the deep, serious stuff and the other side to have a little fun with humor. My goal is usually to get my husband to get all schmoopy with the sappy stuff and then go in for a one-two punch of the lighthearted variety. There’s nothing better than sharing a little laugh-cry with your favorite person in the world.

"Love You More"

"Valentine's Collage"

Custom Valentines for Special Friends & Siblings Romance aside, there are those people in your life who are like your very own angel. You don’t know how you got so lucky to have them by your side, but there they are – always – right when you need them. Whether they live nearby or far away, a special card made with a few great photos of the two of you along with some genuine words of appreciation for their abiding love. BFFs, amazing sisters, awesome brothers – they’re all perfect candidates for getting a card like this.

"Happy Valentine's Day"

"Sending LOVE"

Custom Valentines for Parents, Grandparents, Aunties & Uncles The close family members in your life will love any card from you, but on Valentine’s Day they deserve a little something more. Even if they’re on your bulk mailing list for your annual Valentine’s Day greeting, send another card that’s made just for them. Choose your favorite photo of the two of you together – or of your children with that person. If you’re laughing, hugging or holding hands your photograph will speak volumes. Even if it’s a casual, imperfect picture, you’re sending the message that this is not about composition – this is about imperfectly perfect moments that will be treasured for a lifetime.

"Classic Hearts, Grunge Love, and Watercolor Hearts"

Happy Mixbooking! Happy Valentine-making!

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