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How to Host an End-of-Summer Party or Back-to-School Bash

Unique End of Summer Party Ideas.

Back-to-school is lurking right around the corner. Before it sneaks up on you, stand your summer ground firmly by hosting an event that staves off the start of the craziness – even if only for a few more days.

Kids will enjoy one last hurrah with all their friends, and parents will enjoy a way of marking a shift in focus, which helps everyone transition. The summer classics – pool parties, picnics and barbecues – are perfect themes for the occasion, of course, but consider adding a twist to snap you out of the lethargy of summer and really make this celebration special.

Smarty Pants Picnic

Send out Mixbook’s Let’s Picnic invitations, and plan a picnic in a public park or even your backyard. For party snacks, we love some of the ideas from A Lovely Lark blog, especially the toffee apples and pencil rolls. Have blankets strewn out all over the lawn, with classic coolers filled with cold drinks on each blanket. Give out party favors of brown paper lunch bags filled with classic back-to-school supplies: big pink erasers, No. 2 pencils, Crayola crayons, Elmer’s glue and classic composition books. Tuck some Smarties candies inside the bag, and clip a card that says “have a great school year, smartie pants!” to the front.

Use Your Noodle Pool Party

Send out one of Mixbook’s classic pool party invitations – Summer Party and Pool Party are two customer-favorite designs. Give every guest at the party pool “noodles” – and put a big sign up above the pool that says, “this school year, don’t forget to use your noodle!” Create decorations using the more noodles, slicing them and stringing them together as garlands. For snacks, set out bagels or donuts to look like lifesaver rafts, plus mini buckets of Twizzlers or other candy that looks like pool noodles. Kids will love using their pool noodles with abandon before they have to use their actual noodles to focus every day of the week come fall.

"GreyGrey Designs Pool Party Idea"

"Mimi's Doll House Pool Party Idea"


Host an IQ BBQ to get everyone thinking fast before school starts. Send out Mixbook’s Western BBQ Party invitation, summoning guests to come wearing their favorite cowboy-nerd costume. With GEEK culture being such a popular theme, kids will love embracing the idea of a brainy buckaroo. Then set up a quiz or scavenger hunt to go with the theme. The barbecue will let you enjoy one last summery celebration, while the IQ theme will help little cowhands transition back into the idea of school.

Back-to-School Boogie-Down

If your impromptu gatherings with other families with kids are anything like mine are – and I’m guessing that’s a yes – many nights end with a mini disco party. Why not just go all out and host a party that’s all about boogieing down? Send out Mixbook’s Disco Party or Techno Party invitation, and summon friends to come wearing their best dance-nerd attire. Hang a rented disco ball fitted with nerd glasses from the ceiling or the trees, depending on if your party’s inside or out, then crank up some music and let the kids get their groove on. Queue up some tunes to match the occasion. Here are some ideas for school-themed songs:

School Days, Aretha Franklin Hip To Be Square (for "Nerds") Revenge Of The Nerds ABC, Michael Jackson or American (Idol) Juniors School Day, Chuck Berry High School Never Ends School's Out For Summer Be True To Your School, Beach Boys Kindergarten Rock, Joe Guda Rhyming Number Rap Lip Gloss (talks about lockers in song) School Teacher's Blues, Saffire On Girls Lending Pens, Taylor Mali I Love To Learn, Hip Hop Harry School Bus Coming, Paul Epstein Back To School, Laughing Pizza

Happy Mixbooking! Happy Back-to-School Celebrating!

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