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Homeschool Schedule and Yearbook Ideas Kids Will Love

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Homeschool Schedule

If you need a homeschool schedule to help structure your day, here is a well-rounded template you can follow. We’ve also included a blank version for you to create your own!

  • Before 9 AM: Breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth
  • 9 AM: Reading and writing
  • 9:30 AM: Dance, music, or movement
  • 10 AM: Arts and Crafts
  • 10:30 AM: Snack break
  • 11 AM: Numbers, math, or science
  • 11:30 AM: Virtual field trip online
  • 12 PM: Lunch
  • 1 PM: Nap or quiet play
  • 3 PM: Chores
  • 5 PM: Family Time
  • 8 PM: Bath, brush teeth, bedtime

Homeschool Yearbook Ideas Kids Will Love

Homeschooling is growing in popularity because of its incredible flexibility and ability to adapt to the specific skill sets of the student. Unfortunately, students giving up the traditional brick and mortar school experience also give up iconic traditions, such as receiving a yearbook. But with our creative homeschool yearbook ideas, you can create a custom homeschool yearbook that will commemorate their time as a student.

Take Ample Pictures for Your Yearbook

Creating an ultimate homeschool yearbook begins with stockpiling a lot of pictures. Most homeschool programs incorporate group lessons and field trips scattered throughout the year. Use every one of those opportunities to take photos. You can also take photos of extra-curricular activities, such as sports. You can always edit photos out, so go ahead and take as many as you want.

Jot Down Dates & Special Events

Throughout the year, keep a notebook or spreadsheet with important dates and special events. Keeping the list of this throughout the year will give you something to look back on when you go to create the homeschool yearbook. This is the perfect place to jot down any major achievements, report card grades, sporting event victories, and even any vacations you took throughout the year.

Design a Photo Book

Near the end of the year, gather all the photos and information you've recorded throughout the year and use them to create a homeschool yearbook photo book at Mixbook. These photo books have pre-designed themes that take the guesswork out of creating a homeschool yearbook.

Start by browsing the homeschool yearbook themes and selecting the one that speaks to your student's design style. Next, start uploading the photos to the photo book in chronological order or by section. You could have one section for language arts, one for science, one for math, one for sports, and so on.

Once you've arranged all the photos and put them in their proper place, go back and add text where it's appropriate. Go ahead and use those facts you collected to document all the major milestones of the year. They can be simple headlines or in-depth memories of homeschool year events.

Get the Kids Involved

If you are part of a homeschool group, encourage everyone to take photos and send them to you. Include everyone in the book you create and order multiple copies for everyone in the homeschool class. They can even pass their homeschool yearbook around at their next group event to get signatures from all their homeschooling friends.

These fast and easy homeschool yearbook ideas are sure to get your creative juices flowing. If you have a few favorite photos from throughout the year, choose some to use to create acrylic or metal prints to sprinkle around the home. You can even use pictures to create a calendar for tracking get-togethers, field trips, and projects for the next school year. These homeschool yearbook ideas are just a jumping-off point; use the same technique to create memory books from favorite family vacations, birthdays, and more.

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