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Guide to Holiday Gifting During COVID-19

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If you're like many people, you're finding a lot of unique challenges when it comes to coming up with great holiday gift ideas this year. Especially when you can’t celebrate together, there’s a need to do something extra special for your loved ones. But don't worry - we have you covered. Check out this guide to holiday gifting during COVID-19 to get inspired!

Guide to Holiday Gifting During COVID-19

Holiday gifting isn't particularly easy this year, but this guide to holiday gifting during the COVID-19 pandemic can get you started on unforgettable gifts for the people you care about most.

Related: DIY Christmas gifts everyone will love

Homemade Gifts for Christmas

Homemade gifts are always a hit, from baked goods to handcrafted scrapbooks. The idea that you put a lot of thought into creating something special is the real gift, anyway. You don't have to be particularly crafty to pass out homemade gifts this year, either. Think about:

  • Homemade soaps that come from a kit (Wash your hands!)
  • Cookie baking kits in a glass jar
  • Self-care packages with items like bath bombs, cookies, wine glasses, and slippers

Personalized Memory Books

Year in Review photo books are always a big hit when it comes to gifting, but you don't have to stick to a year. You can chronicle your entire relationship with a friend or family member; just choose your most special memories, find the corresponding photos, and write thoughtful notes with each. You can also zero in on specific events, like a trip you took together or an experience you shared - but don't limit yourself. You can create a personalized photo book that follows a theme, like all the times you've been to the beach together, the traditions you've established, or even a general "friendship" book that's all about having fun.

Flower Growing Kits

Flower growing kits are the kind of gift someone remembers for a long time - especially when you give them during the holidays. You can choose a pre-made flower growing kit or set up your own seed starter set with:

  • Seed packets
  • An egg carton
  • Seed starting soil
  • Plastic bags
  • Ribbon and other decorative material
  • Notecards

Check out this tutorial for a good look at how to create this incredibly thoughtful and fun gift.

Custom Home Decor

Personalized home decor makes a wonderful gift for the people you care about most. Choose between:

The subject is just as important as the material, though. Choose photos of you and the recipient together, the recipient's grandkids or grandparents, or even photos of special places that are near-and-dear to the recipient's heart. You can also let the prints you order tell a story. For example, if you took a special trip together, you can pick the best photos you have from all the special moments. Choose a picture of everyone on the plane, seeing a major sight for the first time, posing in front of a landmark, and hugging goodbye when it's time to go home. Your recipient can put them up gallery-style in his or her home.

Digital Experiences

Digital experiences, like subscriptions to streaming services, online classes, or audiobooks, make great gifts because the recipient can choose what they enjoy. Of course, your gift doesn't have to be digital; you can gift someone a monthly subscription, a few spa passes, or movie tickets, as well. (And take our word for it: Unless your recipient has specifically asked for it, don't buy anyone a gym membership!)

What Are Your Best Gift Ideas for the Holidays During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

We'd love to hear what you're planning for your holiday gifts this year, so please share your thoughts in the comments below - and if you've already started your shopping, snap a picture and share it with us on Instagram (we're @Mixbook).

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