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5 Tips for Creating an Awesome Heritage Family Photo Book

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday that brings together two of my favorite things: food and family! In this blog post, we’re going to take advantage of the time we spend with our families on Thanksgiving Day and create a family heirloom for generations to come. With all your family (immediate and extended) gathered under one roof, why not use this time to interview everyone and get all the details on your cousins, aunts and uncles! Read on for five tips on how to create an outstanding family heritage book! Tip #1: Start with a family tree. Starting with your family tree will get you focused and ready to take on this task. The family tree will also make sure no family member is forgotten! Our Family History and Family Yearbook themes give you two different family tree layouts – the classic and the modern. If you or anyone in the family is feeling creative, you can also create your own family tree layout as well!

The top layout was taken from the Family Yearbook theme. The bottom left layout was created using stickers and our photo style tools. The bottom right layout is taken from our Family History theme.

Tip #2: Tell a story. How did your grandparents meet? Did your family immigrate here? Tell the story of how your family got to where they are now. Generations to come will appreciate knowing how the family came together, giving them an even bigger sense of pride in their family name.

The above page is from the Our Story theme.

Tip #3: Give each family their own section. Let each individual family have their own section to tell their story and feature their members. Pages 1 through 3 in our Family Yearbook theme are a great way to introduce each family’s section. If your extended family is on the larger side, why not invite them to the project to help out? Each family can then design their section to make a more complete Mixbook!

Tip #4: Don’t forget the facts! We’ve focused on stories, but don’t forget the facts as well! Name, date of birth and accomplishments are all great items to include! Birthdays will be remembered and accomplishments can be shown off!

This layout was taken from our Family Yearbook theme.

We hope these tips have inspired you to start your own heritage book! Don’t forget, this would also make a great Christmas present for everyone in your family! If you’ve got any other tips or tricks to creating a family book, please share with us in the comments below. Happy Mixbooking!

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