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The Importance of Creating End-of-School-Year Photo Books

Remember when the close of a school year was an incredibly momentous and monumental event? Back when the years didn’t fly by quite the way they do now. Back when there was a comforting sense of permanence in the way things were.

Things Change As adults we know how quickly things change. And therefore we know how important it is to chronicle the chapters in our lives with photo books. A photo book will be a time capsule your kids can return to years down the road to conjure up what a day was like. He or she will use photo books to access all those early hopes, dreams, friendships and influences that will likely inform him or her – at least a little bit – for a lifetime. Being able to refer back to organized albums that chronicle the past will bolster confidence and happiness every step of the way.

Security Matters As adults we understand the importance of security. For a child who is about to make a transition, whether it’s moving away, graduating, or simply going on to a new school, it’s important to commemorate this happy time in his or her life. Having a photo book to refer back to as he or she continues forward in a new path will provide an incredible amount of comfort. And having a tangible book to flip through will allow him or her to have confidence to forge new relationships and seek out new experiences with others. Your child may even share the photo book with new friends. Not only will it make your child feel great, it will show new friends that this is a kid who’s a known contributor to friend groups, school groups, sports teams and general camaraderie.

Preserve Memories Any of the Mixbook education or sports themed photo book templates can be adapted for personal use. Though you may want to make several copies for friends, this kind of book is not intended to be shared with the entire school. Simply remove the pages that showcase class pictures and focus instead on the layouts that celebrate sports teams, field trips, music performances, class projects, after-school events, celebrations and down time.

"School Memories""Sketched Yearbook""School Days Yearbook"

Foster Connections For kids moving away, switching to a different school, or graduating consider soliciting letters or poems from friends. You can also ask friends and classmates to submit their top-ten best memories from the school year. Gift a copy of the book to each of your child’s friends and wrap up a pack of custom note cards that are pre-stamped and addressed with your child’s new info. It’s a great way to encourage correspondence.

Add a photo of your child’s core friend group to the front of Mixbook’s Thought Bubble note card.

Or customize the interior of the Owl Miss You card with a photo of your child with his or her besties.

Happy Mixbooking! Happy transitions!

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