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Creative Activities that Can Help You Cope with Grief

Many people who have dealt with grief suggest that it helps focus on the good memories you had with the person. So here is a look at some creative activities that you can do to remember your loved one.

Make a Video Tribute

Consider creating a video montage to celebrate your loved one's life. Gather all photos, videos, and favorite songs before making the tribute video. There are many video-making programs available online that help beginners create professional-looking videos. Ask your friends and family to contribute.

Memory Box

Creating a box of memories could be an excellent way o work through your grief. You can put different items in the box that remind you of your loved one and your time together. Some of the things that you could put inside of the box include:

  • Concert tickets
  • A copy of their favorite movie
  • Their favorite hat
  • Holiday cards
  • Postcards from a trip you took together
  • Their favorite watch
  • A CD of their favorite song
  • Their favorite recipes
  • A copy of their favorite poem
  • Their favorite scarf or tie

The box will give you something to reflect on when you miss your loved one. You might also include the person's favorite cologne or a scented candle. According to Very Well Mind, the sense of smell has a strong tie to the brain that can conjure memories. Sometimes, a scent can create a memory that is so vivid you will feel like reliving the moment.


Creating a memorial scrapbook is another creative way to work through your grief. The Frick Hospital in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania, hosts scrapbooking classes for people who are grieving. One of the event organizers said that many of the participants were able to ease some of their sadness by focussing on their creativity. "It's all about being in the moment, processing things, and being creative with the materials in front of you," the organizer said.

To get started making your scrapbook, you will need a variety of art supplies and other materials, such as:

  • A scrapbook album
  • Markers
  • Glitter
  • Stickers
  • Photographs
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • Glue or tape
  • Poems that remind you of your loved one
  • Cardstock paper

With a scrapbook, you will use some of the same materials in a memory box. But you will use them to create an art journal that honors the life of your loved one. Feel free to get creative as you want. It can help if you get together with close friends and family members. While you and your group are gluing photos and newspaper clippings to the page, you could share stories of your loved one, which could be even more therapeutic.

Write a Letter to Your Loved One

Many times, when a person dies suddenly, we are left here with a list of things that we wish we were able to say to them. If this is the case, it could help write a letter to your loved one.

It may seem odd to write a letter to a person that will never be able to read it, but this could be a crucial step toward healing. We found a couple of people who talked about what to say in a letter to a deceased person. One commenter suggested that this could be the perfect way to unburden yourself if you feel guilty or regret. Write down everything you wish you could say to them if they were here right now. Getting all of your thoughts down on paper could help you feel better.

Photo Album

If you are not a very artistic person, you can create a photo album that captures the life of your loved one. Contact any of their close relatives and friends to see if they would be willing to give you a copy of some photos that show your loved one during different stages of their life. Organize the pictures in chronological order to recreate the story of their life. Reliving a loved one's life might bring up feelings of both sorrow and happiness. However, reflecting on the good parts of a person's life can provide comfort.

Memory Bracelet

Making a piece of jewelry is a great way to keep a reminder of your loved one with you every day. Studies have proven that jewelry and other anchor items can help with the grieving process. These items allow you to focus on the person's life rather than their death.

There are several different ways to create a memorial bracelet:

  1. Gather different colors of yarn. Select colors that remind you of your loved one. Braid the colors together to make a bracelet.
  2. Collect different beads and charms that represent things that your loved one liked. You can also create your charms using photographs and mod podge.
  3. Go online and design your memorial bracelet. Pick out which charms, stones, and other items you want on the bracelet and have it delivered right to your door.

Memory Quilt

Memory quilts are a great way to make a unique keepsake from your loved one's favorite clothing. You can make these quilts from almost any type of clothing, including:

  • Aprons
  • Blue jeans
  • Sweaters
  • T-Shirts
  • Jackets
  • Tablecloths
  • Bandanas
  • Socks
  • Dresses
  • Sports jerseys
  • Towels
  • Flags

If you haven't made a quilt before, it can seem like a daunting task. But there are many tutorials online that can walk you through the process.

Sorting through your loved one's old clothing can bring up comforting memories. And being able to curl up with their favorite clothes is a unique way of keeping their memories close to you.

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