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Create Your Save-the-Date Card for a 2013 Wedding Now!

Getting engaged is exciting stuff, but getting engaged at Christmastime is beyond magical. With all the hopes and dreams of making a new life with your favorite person in the world, you’re bound to be starry-eyed anytime of year. Add actual twinkling lights strung from every corner and you’re done for! The holidays will never be the same, nor would you want them to be. And if you’re loving the cozy winter spirit set to songs like “Baby it’s cold out there,” you may very well choose to get married next December. Christmas Mrs. If you have visions of donning a velvet shrug while toasting your new spouse with a cranberry Champagne cocktail, then snag a strand of old-school, big-bulbed string lights and have someone photograph you and your newly betrothed wrapped up in halo of glowing nostalgia. We think a picture like this, which we found here, looks great in Mixbook’s simple Crosshatch Accent template.

Spring Rings If the chill that’s in the air makes you want to hide under the covers (with your new fiancé, granted), and weddings mean warm weather and fresh-picked flowers, then pick a save-the-date to match. Sent out in winter, everyone will love to open their mailboxes to discover a lighthearted card with your great news. And the flowers will be a nice teaser for a theme you’re likely to carry through to the big event.

Two of a Kind For lots of couples a single common interest can be a solid foundation upon which you build your life together. A love of biking, for example, might be the lynchpin to your love. While your formal (or not-so-formal, as the case may be) invitation will likely be more serious in its design, your save-the-date card is your time to have a little fun. Choose a card that depicts something you love, or choose a photo of the two of you enjoying your favorite hobby.

Fun with Fiancé There’s a lot to be said for the save-the-date card that’s all about fun. Pinterest is bursting with ideas, and we’ve even written about some great save-the-date card ideas before. Our new designs are perfect for framing your fun photos. Use the Photobooth Strip template to create a lighthearted trio of pics. You can even choose three separate photos of the two of you holding a chalkboard sign that reads “Save” in the first, then “the” followed by “date!” If you choose to send your message that way, it’s easy to delete the words “save the date” from the printed card. Or go with a whimsical thought-bubble format that conveys that all-important word: yes!

Typographic Times Two For the couple with dreams of creating a chic love shack stat, I give you this beautiful typographic Bold Love save-the-date card. Its simple format, hipster typesetting, and clear message will announce your news with unfettered excitement without relinquishing your restrained aesthetic.

However you send your news – congratulations! Happy planning! Happy Mixbooking!

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