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Photo Book Ideas to Keep the Kids Entertained During Summer

As the school year has ended and summer vacation is beginning, we can already see days of boredom around the corner. In fact, did you know that July is National Anti-Boredom month? All this month, we'll be bringing you ways to keep boredom at bay this summer vacation. Our first idea involves some brain power and a Mixbook photo book. To keep the little ones entertained, have them create a Mixbook project that will keep them busy for a day, weekend, or even throughout the entire summer!

With a camera, a time frame, and some imagination, you’ll soon be ready to create one (or all) of these great projects.

An Alphabet Book There are tons of books available to help your child learn their ABC’s, but how much more enjoyable (and educational) would it be if they created it themselves? Instead of being shown items, they will have to seek it out themselves, doubling the learning opportunity.

This book can be created in a day at the park, during a weekend road trip or all throughout summer. It’s all up to you! If you’re extending this project over a few days, make sure to break up the alphabet to accommodate the time frame.

Now, you’re ready to look for items. Go around the house, to the park, into a store, wherever your heart desires! Encourage your child to look up, down and all around for objects that start with the particular letter. Depending on the age of your child, you can have them take the photo themselves, or assist them in taking the photo.

Once you’re done for the day, upload your photos into a Mixbook project and create your pages. Our above pages were created with our Color Portfolio theme.

Remember, this same project can be repeated with numbers and colors as well!

A Seasons Book For something a little more challenging, create a Mixbook on the seasons. While this project only has four categories, it will really get your child thinking about what components really make up a season.

Have them photograph anything and everything they can find that relates to the chosen season. Whether it’s "floaties" for the summer, or searching for pumpkins, your possibilities are endless.

This same idea can be applied to a holiday book (instead of photos of seasons, they could look for photos representing certain holidays) or even a family member book (where photos are collected to display the personalities of Mom, Dad, Brother or Sister). Our Seasons Book was created with our Seasonal Circles theme.

An Abstract Book Need something for the tweens and teens to do? Choose a more abstract category that will really make them think and encourage creativity.

Emotions or actions are great categories for them to delve into, not to mention the vast array of words that can be used. If they are particularly passionate about a certain sport or activity, have them create a photo book around that hobby. A basketball book can contain photographs of the equipment used, uniforms worn, moves played – just about anything that is basketball related. Our Abstract Book was created with the Black Portfolio theme.

We all know books have always been a source of knowledge. While we’re used to picking up books from the library or the bookstore, why not author your own books this summer?

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