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7 Amazing Photo Book Ideas From Creators Like You

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Some of the best photo books we've ever seen come from creators just like you - and we wanted to take a few minutes to share the most creative ideas to give you a little inspiration. These photo book ideas came from people all over the world, and because they're each so personalized, they're a great fit for anyone looking for a fresh reason to get creative. Some are also easy ways to catch up on old memories without feeling the pressure of falling behind.

7 Amazing Photo Book Ideas From Creators Like You

The most creative ideas we've run through our presses in the last year include:

  1. A Decade in Review: 2010 to 2020
  2. Moment-by-moment wedding books
  3. First anniversary celebrations
  4. Girlfriends' and guy friends' books
  5. Collaborative recipe books
  6. Everyday hobbies, connections, and staycation books
  7. "Why We Love Our Grandparents" books

Here's a closer look at each.

Unique Photo Book Ideas

A Decade in Review: 2010 to 2020

A lot has happened over the last decade - and what better way to chronicle it all for future reference than by creating a Decade in Review photo book? You can include momentous events that changed the world and everything that shaped your family, too. Personalize the book completely by adding photos and quick notes about where you were, how you felt, and how each event altered your path. Combining years or events into one photo book can help you recap old memories faster and feel less pressured to keep up annually.

Modern White Year in Review

Moment-by-Moment Wedding Books

Let's get this out of the way: It's okay if you still haven't created your wedding photo book. Today is a great day to start! Some of the most creative - and fun - wedding photo books we've seen follow the couple's progress from dating through the honeymoon. Don’t let those expensive photos stay on hard drives or buried in boxes in the attic. Use this time at home to print the moments that matter most to you. You can include the first photo you ever took together, engagement photos, and pictures of the big day, and then cap it all off with "To be continued..."

Emerald Wedding by the Pigeon Letters

First Anniversary Celebrations

Your first anniversary is a big deal - it's a celebration of all your firsts together as a married couple or partner. A great first-anniversary photo book combines special images and heartfelt captions along the way. Consider using these prompts to spark your own creativity:

  • Our favorite thing to do together is...
  • We celebrated these milestones this year...
  • These are the holidays we celebrated with family and friends during our first year of marriage...
  • The most romantic moments we shared this year are...
  • These are the reasons I'm glad we are together...

You can make the book as a gift for your spouse/partner or compile it together as a way of looking back. Some couples even make a new book each year and share the time it takes to put it together.

Our Story

Girlfriends' and Guy Friends' Books

Celebrate your circle of friends with a friendship book. Add in funny memories, unforgettable events, and photos of things you'd normally put in a scrapbook, like movie ticket stubs, boarding passes, or small mementos you picked up along the way. You might even pirate some photos from your friends' Facebook and Instagram accounts to make sure there's more than one point-of-view in the book. Being apart from friends is difficult. A photo book of your friendship can reignite everyone’s love for one another and remind them of your beautiful shared memories.

Live Colorfully by Matt Crump

Collaborative Recipe Books

Collaborative recipe books make excellent gifts for newlyweds, birthday celebrations, and holidays. You can take photos of original recipes from ancestors, have friends and family contribute typed recipes, and put in recipes you've pulled off, complete with photos of the finished product. This is a great way to use Mixbook’s collaboration feature where you can work on a project together with friends and family but remain at your own respective homes. This can help create a sense of togetherness during the holidays or our current pandemic. When you create a recipe book, you can include anything others want to send or stick to a theme, such as:

  • Fast, easy recipes with very little prep time
  • Family recipes
  • Crockpot meals
  • Desserts

Put a fun twist on the title, like "Grandma Emily's Favorite Chicken Recipes" or "10 of Cheryl's Most Palatable Dinner Recipes."

Custom Recipe Book by Magnolia Bakery

Everyday Hobbies, Connections, and Staycation Books

Keep track of everyday moments - time you spend on your favorite hobbies, connecting with friends, or even staycations - in a custom photo book designed to match your personal style. You can create a themed book that follows a specific journey or make one that covers a specific timespan, like the whole summer or a special at-home break you took. Life is comprised of special, little moments like everyday hobbies so we urge creators to celebrate those moments of joy by creating photo books. We consider these memories as moments to be grateful for and they deserve to be memorialized. You don’t have to only print your month-long Europe trip, because your weekend getaway holds just as much meaning. Celebrate every day!

Everyday Adventures

"Why We Love Our Grandparents" Books

Grandparents LOVE brag books. Yes, they absolutely do. Get the whole family to pitch in and create a book just for grandparents - family photo books are always a big hit. All the kids can contribute their best ideas, drawings, and answers to the following interview questions:

  • How old are grandma and grandpa?
  • How long have grandma and grandpa been married?
  • What's grandma's (or grandpa's) favorite thing to do?
  • What does grandpa or grandma do for work?
  • What do you think makes grandma or grandpa happy?
  • What does grandma think is gross?
  • What is something grandpa always says to you?
  • What does grandma do every day?
  • What is grandpa's favorite song?
  • Grandparents Book

Older kids can write about what their grandparents mean to them or share their favorite memories, too.

Related article: How to Create a Grandparent’s Book

What Are Your Favorite Photo Book Ideas?

Have you created a special photo book? We'd love to hear about it! Share your ideas with us and others in the comments - or share some images with us on Instagram (we're @Mixbook) so you can inspire others.

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