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5 Ideas for Creating a One-of-a-Kind Father’s Day Card He’ll Love

We’re big fans of creating a Father’s Day card that features great recent photos of dad with his kids—you simply can’t go wrong. But sometimes it’s fun to see what happens when you pick a great theme and then look for specific photos to illustrate your choice. Start by thinking of something your dad excels at—it might be a classic skill like working the grill or watching sports. Or it might be a more specialized talent like coming to your rescue, avoiding the paparazzi, or giving the kind of hugs that would win gold if hugging were an Olympic event. Whatever your dad’s forte, consider finding a template that would best showcase his greatest strengths, then looking for a series of photos that build on your idea. 1. Dad in Disguise Card

If your dad is a master of disguise—rocking a uniform during the week, golf gear on Saturdays, sunglasses and a hat for poolside Sundays, and a beard and baseball hat on vacation—then create an homage to your favorite man of mystery. Start with Mixbook’s No Way to Disguise It card, then drop in as many shots as you can to illustrate his chameleon-like attributes.

For text, consider a riff on the Dos Equis ads: “He is…the most interesting dad in the world.” You can even carry the humor through to gently teasing your beloved dad, saying something like, “He doesn’t always wear jeans…but when he does, he wears dad jeans.” He’ll love that you went beyond the typical “daddy and me” shots in favor of exploring his well-loved—if, ahem, unique—sense of style.

2. Superdad to the Rescue

Dads have a way of swooping in and saving the day. Whether you call him your “Dad-us ex Machina” or straight-up “Superdad,” we think he deserves a cape. Rustle up some shots of dad coming to your rescue, then drop them into Mixbook’s Superdad card template. Extra credit if you add a Top-10 List of dad’s most heroic moments!

3. Bearer of Bear Hugs

If your dad gives the kind of hugs that can calm any creature from mid-tantrum toddlers to untrained puppies in an instant, his hugs deserve special attention. Create a Father’s Day card using our Bear Hugs template, then snap shots of dad handing out hugs. If you happen to have a picture of your dad hugging an actual bear, even better!

4. Cool as a Cucumber

Start with our COOL Cucumber template, then add photos of dad sporting shades. Choose a grid layout for the card’s reverse that accommodates photos of everyone—including babies and pets—in shades. If you’ve got a Golden Retriever, your standard Ray Bans may work just fine, but if a goldfish is the family friend, choose one of Mixbook’s sunglasses stickers to fake it.

5. Best Dad in the World

If after you’ve scoured your photo library you’re just not happy with the themed shots you’re coming up with, go for plan B: Create a simple collage of great recent photos of dad with the kids. You really can’t go wrong. A card like this is likely to take center stage on his desk at work—and it might even warrant a frame for safekeeping.

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